Economic and Community Development

The Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nation is committed to improving the quality of life for all First Nations while respecting First Nations traditional values and beliefs.

The mandate of the Economic Development Secretariat is to create a structure that allows for better coordination, communication, and integration with federal, provincial, and First Nations governments and their agencies in regards to economic and community development projects and resources. The Secretariat will coordinate, provide research, planning and policy services with the Executive, Tribal Councils, and the Chiefs and Councils to advance “major projects” agenda. The final outcome is to foster the economic development and self-sufficiency of First Nations citizens, businesses and governments.

First Nations Treaty Position

Fully one half of the articles of the “numbered” Treaty Agreements deal with economic rights. The crown guaranteed the equipment, resources, and expertise to maintain the existing First Nations’ economies (hunting, fishing, trapping and gathering) and to develop modern economic foundations. First Nations were assured under Treaty that they would be provided with:

Specific lands under exclusive First Nations ownership and jurisdiction for the management of economic resources and for wealth creation;
Support for First Nations business, industrial and resource development to ensure a quality of life equivalent to non-First Nations society;
Support and assistance to establish First Nations’ economic institution;


The mandate of the FSIN’s housing approach must be reviewed and amended to correspond with the changing of time. A more sensitive approach has been instituted to consider the wants and aspirations of our First Nations and a more aggressive approach must be developed in dealing with the Federal Crown to ensure they adhere to the First Nations Spirit and Intent of the Treaties. One that includes the establishment of a Chiefs Authority on Treaty Right to Shelter with increased political support and authority to identify and deal with all issues relating to housing and policy development.